17 box-files

Simon Lavington collection of historical computer documents

1 box file

Ferranti Pegasus and Perseus technical reports and brochures

1 box-file

Technical information on the Ferranti Apollo, Hermes, Poseidon, Gemini, F1600, Argus, Sirius, and Orion computers

1 box-file

A study of the requirements for the acquisition of a computer for Tube Investments (Group Services Ltd.), Walsall

1 box-file

Documents relating mostly to UK computers, but also containing some USA and worldwide material

1 box-file

General and particular computer applications and obituaries

1 box-file

Material relating to computer conferences in Cambridge (1949) and Manchester (1951)

1 box-file

Material relating to The NPL Computer Symposium

1 box-file

Material relating to Lyons, A D Booth, ARC, BTM, HEC, ICT and ICL computers

1 box-file

Material relating to EMI, AEI and METROVIC, STC, DECCA and MARCONI computers

1 box-file

Material relating to English Electric computers

1 box-file

Correspondence with 28 Pegasus pioneers

1 box-file

Pegasus photographs and a copy of "The Pegasus Story: a history of a vintage British computer" by Simon Lavington

1 box-file

Ferranti Pegasus technical reports, arrangements and correspondence for the Computer Conservation Society Pegasus Open Day in the Science Museum, Thursday 17th May 2001

1 box-file

Ferranti Computer Department and general Ferranti company information

1 box-file

Material including early NRDC history, early computer programming systems, and the Comprehensive Computer Catalogue of 1997

2 box-files

Material relating to historic computer conference proceedings and symposia

2 box-files

General history: computer surveys, delivery information and statistical information

6 box-files

Documents relating to general Ferranti background information and technical data on ten types of Ferranti computers

1 box-file

The Conference of Professors & Heads of Computing’s Computer Science Directory

1 box-file

Material relating to English Electric computers

10 box-files

Documents relating to the general history of British-designed digital computers of the period, excluding Elliott, Manchester and Ferranti computers

4 box-files

Material relating to UK manufacturers, including English Electric, Leo Computers, BTM, ICT, ICL, EMI, AEI/Metrovic, STC, Decca, Marconi